
Jekyll theme creation

An open source project

15 Jun 2016

Information Architect, Software Developer
Jekyll, CSS, Sass/SCSS, Ruby, CI/CD, Web design

My old personal web site served me well since 1998, but in this mobile world, that old frames-based site needed to be responsive to modern devices.

I found a site template at html5up that had most of the features I liked, but it was static HTML5. Wanting to prepare my site for a blog and portfolio, I chose to apply Jekyll to the template for easier post authoring.

I released a Jekyll version of the simple template on GitHub, a version that can be used for sites with just a few pages. I also forked a version where I designed and added a few more features for a more full-featured blog site with many pages. During the process, not only did I learn Jekyll and some Ruby, but I also learned some SASS and a bit about how to apply styles that are screen-responsive.

Because the popularity of the template grew, I provided more complete documentation to help users get the most out of the template.

A screen capture of the web site